Refugee and Recent Immigrant Program

North Toronto Sports Foundation subsidizes the player fees of refugees and other low-income recent immigrants in North Toronto Soccer Club programs.

  • Children from all parts of the world have played soccer, fit seamlessly into soccer programs, are appreciated by their teammates, and immediately feel connected to their new community.
  • New immigrant children ages 4 to 18 are welcomed as soon as possible arriving in Toronto. They are not required to have a permanent address, or to be located in the North Toronto area.
  • Immigrant families are often referred by sponsors, refugee placement and assistance agencies, schools, ESL teachers, and personal contacts within their diaspora communities.
  • Children from immigrant families are integrated into existing programs based on age and gender.
  • Teen players from immigrant families are encouraged to train to become coaches and referees; course costs are covered and there is ongoing mentorship.
  • The fee subsidy ranges up to 85% based on financial status, and as high as 100% for refugees.

Information about applying for fee assistance for North Toronto Soccer Club programs